Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Doctor Who

I caught the fever that's starting to run rampant in America. Current American shows like Pretty Little Liars, Switched at Birth, Big Bang Theory, NCIS, and Mentalist are all brilliant shows, but the British have been making their way into American television as well. The new drama debuting on CBS called Elementary? It's the American version of Sherlock, the British show of a modern day Sherlock Holmes. And let me say this, Sherlock is a fantastic show. It's brilliant!
Now did any of those words I say ring a bell? Because they are particularly well known pet phrases of the Doctor. Doctor Who? Yes. Doctor Who. One of the only science fiction shows I will watch aside from Star Trek. I'm honestly not a big fan of that genre. I can list on my hand the number of films, shows, and books I've read from that genre. However Doctor Who has made that list and is rapidly becoming an interest of mine. I understand why my friends and acquaintances enjoy the show and why others find it strange. It can be a little bit cheesy at times and like many sci-fi shows it's weird and hard to follow if you don't start from the beginning and follow through, but (!!) it contains that vivid piece of creativity, imagination and humanity that draws you back and back again to it.
Doctor Who, takes everyday concepts and twists everything you know about them and conjures some crazy "what if" idea that goes against logic. At least what we believe to be logic. Humans are quite narrow minded species if you do think about it. Anyhow, again watch it. Watch it. I don't care where you start, but give it a shot and watch at least 3-4 episodes. If it's not your kind of thing it's alright, but just try. You'll never see things the same way again.