The story revolves around a high school girl named Fujioka Haruhi at the prestigious Ouran Academy, who stumbles upon a group of male students who have formed their own club as hosts. Accidentally breaking an antique vase, Haruhi ends up owing the club a vast amount of money, and she ends up posing as a host in order to repay her debt. -Dramawiki
I know the manga and anime are both popular, but I still haven't gotten around to finishing the manga and I have no intention of watching the anime. (I've given up on watching anime for the most part). However, I did watch the drama because my friend suggested I do so and I really liked it. I haven't watched a drama like this since I watched Nodame Cantabile over a year ago and compared to all the other dramas I've been watching this was a nice change. I'm surprised this got such low ratings considering they're making a movie now. On the other hand I've read other reviews on this drama and found mixed feelings. Seems either people hated it or they loved it. I wonder if that has anything to do with reading the manga and watching the anime beforehand.
From what I've started reading of the manga, it seems each chapter is made to fit an episode of the drama. The humor is good, but so is the acting. If humor was all this drama was pulled along by it wouldn't get far. This was also the first time I've watched a Japanese drama that was only 30 mins long and while I still can't figure why, it was probably for the better. If this drama had an hour for each episode there's a good possibility it would've dragged. Overall this is one of the better dramas I've watched in awhile. So if you're looking for something short, light hearted and manga related I suggest giving this one a try.
In terms of the casting, I actually had a bit of bias going on right from the beginning of this drama. I'm sort of a fan of Yamamoto Yusuke, so I was going to watch this drama one way or another. I'm not sure how his character was in the manga, but after seeing him act in Tumbling, I was pleased to see him do a "prince role". Oddly he has a natural tendency to pull those sort of roles off. Somewhat aloof, somewhat charming, completely disarming when he smiles brightly, yet just enough to make you want to face palm when he does something stupid. He does them well. Other than him, I'm not familiar with the cast so I can't say a lot about them. But I thought they did well in their roles too. Acting wasn't stiff at all and the chemistry between the cast was great. The girl who played Haruhi, was a nice addition to the cast. I've never seen or heard of her before, but I appreciated her acting. It's rare for me to find a female actor who won't annoy the hell out of me so congrats to her.
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